Why did my hens stop producing eggs?

Unfortunately, this is simply part of a laying hens life. You see a hen’s egg production changes overtime and yes there is a high point when you as the owner is oh so proud, and for the newbies, there is also a low point where you just don’t know what to do. Well rest easy my fellow chicken lover, below is a list of reasons why your girls stopped producing eggs. FYI... it's normal and you shouldn't worry too much :-)

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  1. Molting: This is a natural process where your chickens shed their feathers and regrow an even fuller coat. Once the molt is complete you’ll see that it’s really more of an upgrade from their former selves. It is important for you to make sure they are getting enough protein, calcium (FLYGRUBS) and balanced layer feed. 
  2. Overweight Hens: It is not true that fat hens lay bigger and better eggs. You want your girls to be fit and healthy and the correct weight. Make sure you don’t overfeed them with treats and be sure they are on a balanced diet consisting of a high-quality layer feed. We love Scratch and Peck products, but do your own research and choose accordingly. 
  3. Not enough sun: Chickens need exposure to the sun to begin producing eggs. We recommend 14 - 16 hours a day of sunlight to produce the optimum egg quantity and quality. If you live in a place with long winters then your chickens will likely stop laying as many eggs as they do in the summer.
  4. Old hens mean fewer eggs: Around 72 weeks old is when you will start to see a reduction in egg production for most hens. They will still lay eggs for a few more years, but you’ll see that year after year the the quantity is reduced.
  5. Distress: Mites or lice may have infiltrated their coop and caused a bit of distress for your girls. To be sure that’s not what happened make sure you check your chickens, bath them and clean the coop. If you’re not sure if they have lice or mites be sure to take them to a vet. 
  6. Stress: Chickens need to feel comfortable and safe in order to lay those precious eggs that our families enjoy eating. Be sure to think of that before building a coop that might not be in the ideal location. Not being calculated might cause unnecessary distress of distractions from predators or human traffic. Also, be cautious about moving them around too much. Try to look for a nice comfortable and safe place on your property where they will feel at home. 

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