Where to Get Black Soldier Fly Larvae Online and What to Check While Buying?

The black soldier fly larvae are gaining popularity as a healthy treat for chickens. But with many varieties available in the market, the nutritional values and quality vary. In this blog, you will get to know where to get black soldier fly larvae and what to check for while buying.

The black soldier fly larvae are the piranhas of the insect world. They can devour a wide variety of trash and consume double their body weight in a single day. These flies are native to the Western Hemisphere and Australia. Furthermore, they are considered to be tiny powerful recyclers. Because black soldier flies do not spread in an unwelcome manner and do not bite or sting, they are considered harmless. 

They are known for being a good source of protein and calcium for chickens. They also help to maintain a balanced diet and prevent indigestion in chickens. However, their nutritional values and quality may vary from consumer to consumer. Read ahead to find out where to get black soldier fly larvae and understand what you should check for while buying your pack.

Here's What to Look for While Buying Black Soldier Fly Larvae

Choosing the exemplary black soldier fly larvae for your dear chickens can be a task, especially when you have so many sellers in the market. As a chicken parent, you must only feed them the best quality of black soldier fly for their healthy growth and long life. Following are a few things you must keep in mind before buying a pack of black soldier fly larvae:

1) Protein Content

Protein is essential for your flock's healthy growth. Their feathers are made up of 90% of protein. Fortunately, the black soldier fly larvae are rich in protein. While buying black soldier fly larvae online, you must check for the protein content percentage. 

Usually, the black soldier fly larvae feed must contain 40 to 50% crude protein. When given an adequate amount to the chickens, especially during the molting phase when their protein needs are heightened, it helps grow new and healthy feathers. So, make sure you settle for no less than this while buying them.

2) Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio

Your chickens must get the right amount of calcium and phosphorus for a healthy bone structure and density. The black soldier fly larvae have natural positive calcium to phosphorus ratio, which is beneficial for your flock throughout every stage of their life. While buying the black soldier larvae for sale, check for a (2.5:1) natural positive calcium to phosphorus (Ca:P) ratio. 

Positive calcium to phosphorus ratio (ideally 2:1 or greater) is essential for reducing the incidence of secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism in insects. The black soldier fly larvae's high calcium level is because of the abundance of calcium carbonate in their body. 

3) Is it Organic?

Organic feeds are two times more beneficial for the overall growth of your chickens than any other feed. They contain zero additives, parabens, or any artificial supplements. Check whether the pack of black soldier fly larvae you are willing to purchase is all-natural and grown on a pre-consumer food diet.

4) Other Essential Nutrients

A balanced diet for chickens must include a proportionate amount of proteins, fat, fiber, lipids, calcium, and phosphorus. The black soldier fly larvae are well-known for their nutrient-dense qualities. However, this proportion varies from consumer to consumer as per what they feed their larvae. 

Usually, the black soldier fly larvae must contain around 40-50% crude protein, 2 to 5 % calcium, 35% fat with an amino acid composition similar to fishmeal, 1.2% magnesium, and 0.3% sodium. 

The protein content in black soldier fly larvae helps in molting and consistent laying. Fat content provides adequate energy and maintains the body weight. Calcium, phosphorus, and other elements are essential for a healthy digestive system. Ensure you check for these necessary nutrients while buying black soldier fly larvae online.

To make it easier for you, here's the nutritional value of BSFL based on different food sources:

  • Animal Manure - 39 to 46% protein and 29 to 35% fat
  • Food Waste - 39 to 42% protein and 27 to 35% fat
  • Green Waste - 31 to 37% protein and 5 to 7% fat
  • Rice Bran - 42 to 46% protein and 27 to 28% fat.

5) Is it FDA Approved?

While buying black soldier fly larvae online, always check for the FDA-approved mark. In addition, ensure you check whether the brand you are buying from follows the strict regulatory standards enforced by the country's regulatory agencies.

Where to Get Black Soldier Fly Larvae?

If you are wondering where to get black soldier fly larvae for your chickens, they are readily available in general animal feed stores. In addition, you can buy them online or grow them yourself. But it is always better to buy the black soldier fly larvae online from a reliable source like Fly Grubs. 

Buy Black Soldier Fly Larvae Online

No more searching for -" where can I buy black soldier fly larvae?" Fly Grubs provides the best quality black soldier fly larvae for your chickens. In addition, it is the best in the market for chicken feed or treats. 

They provide all-natural, organic, and FDA-approved black soldier fly larvae for sale. Their grubs are more nutrient-dense and contain 85 times more calcium content than any other insect feed available on the market.

The striking fact is that their grubs are grown on pre-consumer food wastes like fruits, vegetables, and grains that would otherwise go to landfills. This makes it a sustainable, environment-friendly product that they feel outstanding about, and you can too. What's more? They come in resealable packages of different sizes made from recycled plastic, and you can get them at highly affordable prices.

All you need to do is, visit their website and place an order for a pack of dried black soldier fly larvae that you wish to purchase. If you have any related queries, you can reach out to them at emily@flygrubs.com

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